To create a sale event discount for certain product groups, we must first open the Sale events form. This step will guide you through the process of opening the sales events form.

  • If you’ve never created a sale event before, these steps will guide you to open a new coupon form.
    • Navigate Sale events on the sidebar
    • Click the + Add button.
  • If you want to edit an existing sale event, these steps will guide you to open the edit coupon form.
    • Navigate Sale events on the left sidebar
    • Click Action button
    • Click Edit.

Set Sale Event Discounts for Certain Product Groups


  1. Click the Discount tab.
  2. Navigate to Product groups - you can edit sales events for specific discounts for each product groups.
You can control which Product groups participate in your sale event by:
1. ✔️ single click on the checkbox to include, or
2. ❌ double click on the checkbox to exclude.

You can enable options to set Discount type and Limit quantity to individual Product groups by:
1. ✔️ single click on the checkbox of the Product groups.
2. ✏️ click on the edit icon.
3. ✔️ click on the custom checkbox to enable the options and set.
4. ✔️ click on the save icon to save
  1. Click Save to save your updates.
  1. Confirm your updates are saved with the notification.