You can restrict the coupon usage to only certain product using the coupon form on Dashboard page. To access the form, please follow these steps:

  • If you’ve never created a coupon before, these steps will guide you to open create new coupon form.
    • Navigate to the left sidebar and select Coupons
    • Click the +Add button.
  • If you want to edit an existing coupon, these steps will guide you to open the edit coupon form.
    • Navigate to the left sidebar and select Coupons
    • Click Actions button
    • Click the Edit button.

Restrict The Coupon Usage to Only Certain Product


  1. In the coupon form, press the Restrict tab.
  2. Navigate to Products - Check the boxes to include or exclude individual products from the coupon.
  3. Click the Save button.
You can control which Products participate in your coupon by:
1. ✔️ single click on the checkbox to include, or
2. ❌ double click on the checkbox to exclude.
You can quickly exclude all Products belonging to a Product group from your coupon by:
1. ❌ double click on the checkbox of the Product group.
  1. Confirm your updates are saved with the notification.