
  1. Navigate to the sidebar, and click Account.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click + Create new user and it will automatically pop up Create new user form.
  1. In the User Information tab
  • Change profile picture - Click to change the user's profile picture.
  • First Name (*) - Enter the user's first name. (Example: John)
  • Surname (*) - Enter the user's surname. (Example: Doe)
  • Email address (*) - Enter the user's email address. (Example: [email protected])
  • Phone number - Enter the user's phone number.
  • User name (*) - Enter the user's username
  • Set random password - Check the box if you want to set a random password for the user account.
  • Should change the password on next login - Check the box if you want the user to change their password after their first login.
  • Send activation email – Check the box to send the activation email.
  • Active - Check the checkbox to enable the account.
  • Lockout enabled - Check the checkbox to activate the lockout feature.
Notes: Fields marked with (*) is required
  1. In the Roles tab - select the role that best fits the user.

  1. In Organization Units tab - Select the organization unit for the user.
  2. Click the Save button after you have finished filling out the Create User form.
  1. Confirm your updates are saved with the notification. A new user will be displayed on the Users list.