
  1. Navigate to the left sidebar and click Product Groups.
  2. Click the Actions button.
  3. Click the Edit button.
  1. The Add form will appear and can enter the product group.
  • Icon - Click the Design button to design your product icon.
  • Name (*) - Enter the name of your product group.
  • Has bulk price - Check if the product group has a bulk price.
Notes: Fields marked with (*) is required.

When clicking on the Design button, the Design form will pop up.

  • Pick - Click the Pick button to choose your icon.
  • Icon primary color - Select the primary color for the icon.
  • Icon secondary color - Select the secondary color for the icon.
  • Icon Primary opacity - Choose the opacity of a primary color.
  • Icon Secondary opacity - Choose the opacity of a secondary color.
  1. Click Done after finishing the create icon.
  1. Click the Save button after finishing creating a new product group.
  1. Confirm your updated product group are saved with the notification.