- Navigate to the left sidebar and click Products.
- Click Actions.
- Click Edits.
- It will pop up in the Add form and in the Info tab.
- Product category (*) - Select product category for a product.
- Product group (*) - Select or search product group for a product.
- Name (*) - Enter a name for a product. (Example: Almond Cake)
- Price - Enter the price for a product. (Example: 35)
- Description - Enter a description of your product.
- SKU - Enter or generate an SKU code for a product.
- Variation - Check if the product has the variant.
- Can show stock count - Check if a product can show stock count.
- Weight - Check and enter if a product has a weight. (Example: 5)
- Buy limit - Check and enter if a product has a buy limit. (Example: 10)
- Min order quantity - Check and enter if a product has a minimum order quantity. (Example: 2)
- Order instruction - Check and enter if a product has an order instruction. (Example: Attention, do not buy for a person who has allergies to almonds)
- Cost price - Check and enter if a product needs to display the cost price. (Example: 10)
- Free shipping - Check if the products come with free shipping.
Notes: Fields marked with (*) are required.
- In the Photo tab
- Add - Click add to open the Upload photo form to upload the product photo.
- Sort - Click and drag the photo to change the sequence.
1. Product photos will show how you arrange photos of the product.
2. In the upload photo form, click choose to choose a photo from your device, click upload to upload on your page, or click cancel to cancel the changes.
1. Product photos will show how you arrange photos of the product.
2. In the upload photo form, click choose to choose a photo from your device, click upload to upload on your page, or click cancel to cancel the changes.
- In the Variation tab
- Variation group - The group of variation for your product.
- Variation - The variation for your product.
1. Click Add to add a new variation group or variant to a product.
2. Click Sort to sort the sequence of variation groups or variations.
1. Click Add to add a new variation group or variant to a product.
2. Click Sort to sort the sequence of variation groups or variations.
- In the Bulk tab
- Product bulk price - The price of a product if the customer buys in bulk.
1. Click Add to add a new bulk price for a product.
1. Click Add to add a new bulk price for a product.
- Click Save to save your updates.
- Confirm your updates are saved with the notification.