
  1. Navigate to the left sidebar and click Advertisement.
  2. Click Actions.
  3. Click Edit.
  1. It will automatically open the Edit advertisement form.
  • + Choose button - click the button to import an image from your device.
  • Title (*) - Enter the title of the advertisement. (Example: Year End Ad 4)
  • Subtitle (*) - Enter the subtitle for the advertisement. (Example: Garb your favorite baked good!)
  • Action Text (*) - Enter action text to describe the action.
  • Action - Select action if the user clicks the advertisement.
    • URL - Enter the URL users will be directed to when they click.
    • Copy - Enter the text saved on the user's clipboard device when they click.
    • Go to - Enter the product page users will be directed to when they click.
Notes: Fields marked with (*) is required
  1. Click the Save button to save all the advertisements.
  1. Confirm your updated advertisement is saved with the notification.