- Navigate to the left sidebar and find Coupons.
- Click the + Add button and it will pop up the Create new coupon form.
- Click Info tab
- Code (*) - Enter your new coupon code or click Generate to generate a new coupon code. (Example: NYS24)
- Description (*) - Enter your coupon description. (Example: New Year Sale 2024)
- Discount type - Select the type of discount for your new coupon.
- Percentage - Enter the percentage discount to apply to the product price. (Example: if the cart has three t-shirts at $20 each, totaling $60, a 10% coupon will discount $6 from the total.)
- Cart - Enter the amount to discount from the customer's cart total. (Example: if the cart contains three t-shirts at $20 each, totaling $60, applying a $6 discount will reduce the total to $54.)
- Product - Enter the amount to discount from each product item. (Example: if the cart contains three t-shirts at $20 each and the coupon offers $10 off per item, the total discount will be $30.)
- Allow free delivery - Check if coupon giving a free delivery to every coupon are used.
- Start date - Select your coupon start date and time. (Example: June 25th 2024, 8:54:00 am)
- End date - Select your coupon end date and time. (Example: July 2nd 2024, 8:54:00 am)
1. The End date has to be at least 1 day more than the Start date
2. Fields marked with (*) is required
1. The End date has to be at least 1 day more than the Start date
2. Fields marked with (*) is required
- Click Restrict tab.
- Minimum Spend - Click checkbox to enter the minimum total purchase amount required.
- Maximum Spend - Click checkbox to enter the maximum total purchase amount required.
- Non-combinable coupon - Click checkbox if this coupon cannot be combined with other coupons. (For example, if a customer uses coupon A, they cannot also use non-combinable coupon B.)
- Exclude Sale Items - Click here if the coupon should not be applied to sale items.
- Products groups - Select the participating product groups in your coupon.
- Products - Select the participating products in your coupon.
- Email - Enter the customer’s email address to manually apply the coupon.
You can control which Product or Product group participate in your coupons by:
1. ✔️ single click on the checkbox to include, or
2. ❌ double click on the checkbox to exclude.
You can control which Product or Product group participate in your coupons by:
1. ✔️ single click on the checkbox to include, or
2. ❌ double click on the checkbox to exclude.
- Click Limit tab.
- Usage Per Coupon - Click here to set the maximum number of times a customer can use the coupon.
- Usage Per Product - Click here to specify the maximum number of times a customer can use the coupon for each product.
- Usage Per User - Click the checkbox to set the maximum number of times a coupon can be used by a single customer.
- Click the Save button after you have completed updating the information.
- Confirm your updates are saved with the notification. An updated coupon will be displayed on the Coupon list.