You can how many times a coupon can be used by the user using the coupon form on Dashboard page. To access the form, please follow these steps:

  • If you’ve never created a coupon before, these steps will guide you to open create new coupon form.
    • Navigate to the left sidebar and select Coupons
    • Click the +Add button.
  • If you want to edit an existing coupon, these steps will guide you to open the edit coupon form.
    • Navigate to the left sidebar and select Coupons
    • Click Actions button
    • Click the Edit button.

Set Coupon Usage Limitation Per User


  1. In the coupon form, press the Limit tab.
  2. Check the Usage Per User checkbox and enter your coupon limitation in the provided text box.
  3. Click Save.
  1. Confirm your updates are saved with the notification